Fire Damage Restoration

Fire Damage Restoration

UK Carpet Care provides reliable fire damage restoration for carpets & upholstery at homes and businesses in Suffolk, Essex & Norfolk. Fire can cause immense damage to a property and can ruin carpet and upholstered fabrics.

Direct or indirect exposure to fire can lead to soot and smoke penetrating into the fabric or upholstered surface. Furthermore, water from sprinklers or firefighting efforts can lead to water damage as well.

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Soot and Smoke Removal

Particles of soot and smoke residue can penetrate deep into fabrics such as carpets and upholstered furniture. Loose particles can be removed with professional cleaning equipment whilst also neutering the odours that may have cropped up from the fire or from water damage to the fabric.

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Carpet Repair & Replacement

Carpets and upholstery damaged by fire can sometimes be saved, but in other cases repairs and/or replacement may be necessary depending on the severity of the damage. It is essential to act as soon as possible after detecting fire damage to the carpet or upholstery.

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